Rooms 109 & 111
View of the east wall (background) and north wall (left) of Room 109.
1910-1911 | Chinese/Japanese Men’s Lavatory
1911-1940 | Chinese Reading/Recreation Room
1942-1945 | Japanese POW Dormitory
Room 109 initially had toilets and showers for male detainees. In 1912, a large restroom facility was built behind the barracks, making the indoor lavatories obsolete. Officials transformed this room into a reading/recreation room for Chinese men. The Self-Governing Association, a mutual aid group run by Chinese immigrants, was known to hold its meetings in this room.
View of the north wall (background) and west wall (left) of Room 111.
1910-1911 | Chinese/Japanese Men’s Lavatory
1911-1940 | Hallway
1942-1945 | POW Detention Cell
Before 1912, Rooms 109 and 111 were connected as one large lavatory. A partition wall was added during renovations, making room 111 a hallway between dormitories. During World War II, the room was repurposed as a high-security detention cell for prisoners of war.