Tributes at AIISF

A tribute can be made in any amount. When you donate to AIISF, you have the option of naming the person (or people) you wish to honor. You can include a note that indicates how you wish to acknowledge your tribute and provide us with a way to reach out to them on your behalf.

Each tribute gift will be presented on our website in a virtual tribute wall dedicated to those who have made a difference in our lives. AIISF also offers alternate ways to memorialize your loved ones at the Immigration Station. Visit Ways to Give to learn more about these opportunities.

The U.S. Immigration Station represents the resilience of the human spirit. For the thousands who were detained on Angel Island, and the millions of immigrants who left their homes behind in pursuit of the American dream, we honor their bravery and their sacrifice.

Since the 1970s, we have accepted personalized tribute gifts in honor of those who make the world a better place. You can send a gift in memory of someone special or to celebrate milestone events such as births, weddings, graduations, or anniversaries. Your gift supports the preservation of the U.S. Immigration Station site and the stories of immigrants – all while providing an enduring tribute to someone special.

To make your gift or for further details about tributes, heritage benches, and tax-deductibility, please contact